Newsletter- March

We’ve Finally Done It!

After many years of wrangling Shotwick Lake finally belongs to us; its members!  The club has been in the process of buying the lake for 6 years.  Tony Forster, who has been dealing with the purchase since the start, said that he was relieved that it was over and that when it all started he had a full head of hair and low blood pressure!

It is ours now and we look forward to developing it into a thriving and much sought out club for sailing.

Thanks to everyone who has been involved with driving it through-congratulations!

You’re in Safe Hands

Some members were busy renewing their First Aid certificates this month.  If you were unable to attend but still would like to do it, please let me know, and if we get enough people interested (min 8), we can put another one on.


Membership Renewal

If you have not returned your membership form yet, make sure it goes on your Easter ‘to do’ list.  Stickers will be issued shortly and members should make sure they are placed on their craft and are clearly visible.  Any craft not displaying a current sticker by the end of May will be removed from their berth in accordance with our bylaws section 11-Abandoned boats and placed in a more remote part of the lake.  This will allow current active members easier access to the lake.


Owners of these craft will then be contacted by letter and requested to remove their craft from the site within a month.  Failure to so will result in the Club applying the abandoned boats bylaw fully and boats will be disposed of at our discretion.

Don’t delay, Renew today!

Freezing temperatures and sleet in the first weekend of the ‘Spring Season’

The day was grim.  An icy easterly wind howled across the lake as Shotwick Lake Sailors braved 15knts of wind, gusting to 35knts and the snow was horizontal.  That must mean it’s the start of the racing season then!  A brave few entered the water (literally for Dave and Josie!), to launch the new seasons sailing.  They were watched by many more from the warm club house!

Sunday sailing 10:30am start for 1st race.

Come on down and give it a go. Yippee!IMG_2523

Traffic Light System

Those who have braved the racing so far will have noticed the ‘Traffic Light System’ This gives an indication of the expected wind conditions during the period when racing is taking place. Have a look at the information particularly if you are not a regular ‘racer’. The information is there to assist you is deciding whether to race or not.

traffic light

John Purdie