Successful Workparty

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The weather was great for our work party and although Tim turned up sporting shorts and lily white legs, the cool northerly breeze meant that he put them away pretty quickly!  Thanks to the members who turned up for the workparty (named below).

Paul Baeten        Tim Bowden   Fraser Bryce     Jeremy Cooper     Bill Duffield

Tony Forster      Dave Herbstritt      Paul Humphries     Les Perry      Liz Stott

George Tam     ‘Digger’ Woodhouse  Jayne Rowland

Jobs completed

Picnic benches cleaned and repainted all around the lake.

Fence panels around the septic tank and electricity unit cleaned and weather proofed.

New tie downs were dug ready for concreting

Buoy anchors made and 3 new buoys were marked

Race flag pole repaired

Number 2 safety boat launching trolley repaired and painted

Rubbish cleared


John Purdie