FOLLOWING THE RECENT REVIEW OF THE RACE PROGRAMME AND FORMAT – The Committee have considered the output from the recent review discussions held after racing on 2nd October 2016. In summary:

The Racing Review (Sep 2016) produced a number of comments and suggestions that were
considered by the committee at the October meeting. This included the following:

  • Attendance trends over recent years
  • Back-to-back races compared with 2 or 3 separate races
  • Start times and merits of earlier start
  • Series format including separate series for pt race, 2nd race and 3rd races
  • Number and type of series
  • Saturday racing
  • Pursuit racing
  • Regatta formats
  • Race Officer Training
  • Results publication
  • Brass Monkey series
  • Frostbite format
  • Transition from training courses to club racing
  • Use of Wanderers for beginners

There are many opposing views and the committee has taken a balanced view of comments
in producing the 2017 sailing programme. Only minor changes were felt necessary and
these are:

  • Autumn changed from 3-race format to 2-race format

Reason: response to feedback, more balanced programme, encourage attendance
for PM and positive effect on galley

  • Windward & leeward changed to Personal Handicap

Reason: Encourage newcomers, beginners and less competitive boats. Greater
challenge for front-runners

  • Take out Mid-Summer Pursuit (evening)
    Reason: lack of enthusiasm

4) Format of Regattas to be agreed later

The following charts show clearly the comparison between the intended 2017 programme/format  with the 2016 programme/format:


John Purdie