Great Effort On Short Notice Work Party

Many thanks to those who volunteered for what turned out to be a hard but very successful work party on Saturday 9th May. Laying 4m3 of concrete as a tie down strip on the West Shore were members Geoff Weir, Phil Gallagher, Bill Duffield, Tony Forster and Les Perry. Special thanks go to Les for organising the work party and the concrete and to his friend, non-member, Mike Hatton (and Mike’s son, Nathan) who gave up his time freely to help with his mini digger and dumper truck. This work has greatly expanded the availability of secure dinghy berths at the club.

Concrete 3. Laying IMAG0892 Concrete 5 Laying IMAG0894Concrete 1 Laying West Berths IMAG0881Concrete 2 Laying IMAG0885

John Purdie