We have had further updates on the ongoing cable laying work on our access road – please be aware of the following  –

27/9/16 – “I am just letting you know that preparatory works will be on-going along the access road to the sailing club this weekend for the installation of the ducting in the first drill along weighbridge road. Could you please inform your members to drive with caution”.

15/9/16 – “Our subcontractor is proposing to start works at the north side of the railway bridge open cut trenching into the Joint Bay area. This is the location that last year was the pinch point, as with then it is my utmost aim to ensure that access is available, as with last year at the end of day the works will have road plates placed over and barriers in place. I understand the inconvenience this can cause but I believe that it was managed successfully last time and I hope that we will not have any issues again. This road cut is to tie in the duct block that was installed under the railway bridge with the joint bay adjacent to the TATA reservoir. Unfortunately I am unable to give a time frame as this was a very difficult area last time due to the number of active and redundant services located within the verge”

As usual we ask members to be patient while this unavoidable work continues. Please observe traffic direction signs and traffic lights and please drive with caution through the affected area..

John Purdie